Fiat Institute Courses

Hormone Coach
Certification Course

Interested in learning more about this course? Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do you see a need in the world in regards to women's health care? 
  • Do you get frustrated by the culture's perspective on women's health as access to abortion and hormone contraception and know that women deserve better?
  • Are you willing to invest in your time, talent, and treasure to build a mission centric coaching business?
  • Are you a fan of hormones and of natural solutions to support the female body?
  • Are you in a place in your life where this is something you CAN do?
  • Do you have 100+ hours over the next 6 months (about 5-6 hours/week on average) to work through the material/receive coaching/work with clients?
  • The full price is $5,500. Seats are limited! I only accept a limited number of women through an application and interview process. It is important that we are the right fit for each other. If you are interested in being considered for this program, please fill out the inquiry form below.
Write your awesome label here.
"The World Doesn't Need What Women Do, It Needs Who Woman Are."
-Edith Stein

Hormone Education Program

Interested in learning more about this course? Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do you desire a self-paced, independent learning experience to explore hormone education at your convenience?
  • Are you a professional in health, coaching, therapy, or a fertility awareness method, aiming to enhance your hormone intelligence for personal growth beyond just fertility cycles?
  • Are you a natural learner and passionate about all things hormones and desire a journey of self-discovery and heightened hormone awareness?
    *purchasing this course also counts for the "down payment" for women who are accepted into the Hormone Coach Certification Program. In order to be considered for the Hormone Coach Certification Program, please fill out the inquiry form above. 
Write your awesome label here.
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